If you only have a child/children 5 and under please see the information on An Introduction to Father Christmas
If you have a child age 3 to 7 then please consider the Quest session if your children enjoy puzzles
If you have a 6 or 7 year old in your party you can choose between this session and the over 6 session
If you have children over 6 up to just adults the correct session is Once upon a Christmas for Children over 6
If you booking only contains adults please email Sam on magicalleystratford@gmail.com
The puzzle based session take an hour to an hour and a half and the introduction session takes about half an hour
This is a quest based session most suited to children age 6 or over. There are age appropriate presents and quests. This is the session to book if you have children of any age over 6 including early teens.
Although younger relatives and friends can join in this session is NOT RECOMMENDED for children under 3
Please click on the image for more information including ticket prices
This is a meet and greet session for children age 5 and under who are too young or do not want to take part in the puzzles. Tickets are group tickets of 4 or 6
Please click on the image for more information including ticket prices
This session is a quest based session with age appropriate puzzles. This session is most suited to children age 3 to 7. Children older than 7 are not permitted in this session
Please click on the image for more information including ticket prices
This session is a quieter more relaxed version on the over 6 event for children with Special Educational Needs. There are fewer families present and no loud music or flashing lights
Younger relatives/friends may accompany older children to this event.
Please click on the image for more information including ticket prices
This event is recommended for Children 10+ with parental discretion from 8. The event runs in the same away as the main Christmas event but instead of meeting Father Christmas you meet one of the Fairy Tale Kingdom villains who will discuss your naughtiness!
Children and adults still receive presents in this session
Initially these sessions will be added on the following dates
Saturday 16th November 2024 - all day
Sunday 1st November from 5.30pm
Wednesday 18th December from 5.30pm
More added may be added if there is demand
Please click on the image for more information
Opening Hours during the Christmas period
Monday to Sunday 10am to 8pm
Christmas Eve closing at 5.30pm
Magic Alley Unit 23A Bell Court
Stratford upon Avon CV37 6EX
01789 290969